Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Chest, Tri, Shoulders, Abs
Back to Business!
I'm going to volunteer today at the animal shelter and then I'll be back for the Chest workout with Abs. I'm excited! I'm so happy my life is back on track. Without going into too much gory detail, I basically decided to end a 3.5 year relationship over the weekend and I had to deal with that. Soooo, now I am back and planning to workout with full force! I'm feeling awesome today, so that's great! If I have time, I'll post about the chest workout. I have a midterm tomorrow though, so I should really be studying!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Back and Biceps
I'm going to my parents' house this weekend, and I'm bringing X with me. I'm excited I'll be there!
Good luck with all your workouts!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
No pictures yet...
So, I did something sort of stupid last night... I didn't turn my alarm clock on! Luckily when I was getting ready to switch to doubles, I put all of my workouts into my calendar. I had wanted to do plyo this morning at 7:30, and I should have had my alarm go off at 7. Unfortunately, it wasn't on, BUT my blackberry dinged at me to let me know I had something in my calendar that was supposed to start at 7:30. Phew! I jumped out of bed and did the workout right away! I was a little more rushed (at least in my head) than usual, but I still burned over 800 calories. That workout cannot be stopped!
Other than that, life is a bit stressful right now, but I'm not going to let them stop my workouts. I'm thinking that will relieve more stress for me, so it's got to be done!
Hope all the other X'ers out there are doing well!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Random thoughts...
I will post 30 day pics soon! My Day 1 pics are on another computer, so I have to get those and take some new pictures. Tomorrow is officially 30 days and it looks like I've lost about 5-6 pounds judging by the scale today. I'll know for sure tomorrow!
Phase 2 begins!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Core Synergistics Take 2

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Kenpo to the max
Next week will be my 30 days mark! It looks like as of now I've lost about 3 pounds, and I'm sure I've dropped a couple inches. I haven't officially checked, but I have some jeans that are feeling a little looser. More like they used to be tight and now they fit. Good stuff! My friend pointed out my triceps yesterday too and said she could see a difference. Gotta love it!
Hope everyone else is enjoying the workouts as much as I am! I'm getting much better about the food too. I think in the beginning it was so much just to adjust to the workout schedule, so I wasn't as structured with my food. Now I find that I crave the right food, so I'm not really worried about wanting to get a cookie or chips. I'm thinking it's the positive side effects of all the hard work! If I come up with any good recipes, I'll post them. I love to cook, and I'm really into eating as inexpensively (and as locally) as possible. Now that the weather is getting better, the local produce will start coming in and I'll go local! It's fun to try to figure out how to cook only locla foods. In May, that means a TON OF SPINACH. In case you're interested in finding places near you to get local foods, check out www.localharvest.org.
Take care and keep bringing it!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Core Synergistics - Recovery Week

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Recovery Week Begins
Today I did Yoga X, and it was much better than last week! I think the key was that I was not in a hurry. When you're rushing, you can't focus. Today, I don't have anywhere that I need to be until 3:30 (craziness... I have class on Tuesdays from 3:30 - 9:30 PM), so I got up at 7 so I had plenty of time for me. I had a light breakfast and some coffee (must have my coffee in the morning... a girl needs a vice). Once I digested, I put in Yoga X and I really gave it my all. There are so many moves that are too challenging for me, but I'm trying to modify them. I feel much more flexible and I'm getting better at the balance postures too. Very nice!
Last week's calories = 4500! I didn't even have my HRM on for yoga, so it was probably about 400 -500 more!
Yoga calorie burn today = 450!
Off to volunteer at the animal shelter! Hope everyone else doing P90X is feeling great!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Back to reality...

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Week 3 is coming to a close...
Tomorrow is Kenpo again, and I have a 5 hour drive home. I'm trying to decide if I want to sleep in, get on the road early, and then workout at night or if I want to workout before I leave. We'll see!
Recovery week next week! I think I need it!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Arms and Shoulders, Ab Ripper X
HRM Report: 792 calories!
I'm getting lunch with a couple girlfriends today... how fun! I'm going to check out the menu to figure out what I'll get to eat. It's an Asian fusion type place so I'm sure I'll find something good.
Yoga at 6 AM tomorrow... I have a busy Friday!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Positive Attitude = Enhanced Results?
Those squat switch jumps KICK MY BUTT. Today I used less of the modification for these and did a lot more of the full switch jump. I found myself not going at the exact speed of Tony, but I definitely used more explosive jumping. It felt great! My heart was definitely pumping! I'm thinking my HRM might've gone a little haywire because the high heart rate it recorded was ridiculous (223 bpm)! Usually when it loses the connection from the strap to the watch it will record over 220 bpm or 0 bpm. I tend to think that's what happened because I kept looking at it after my hardest exercises and it was only in the 170s or 180s at the most. Seems high, but I recover really quickly when we take it down a notch.
Time for some lunch! I have some turkey breast and salad stuff today. Yummy!
HRM Report: 950 calories?!?!?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
My favorite workout partner
Today I began Week 3 with my trusty and loyal workout partner, Shepard. He's my 7 year old cat, and he is always right by my side when I workout. It is so cute! I call him my Yogi Cat because he especially loves yoga. On Ab Ripper X days though he is very helpful because he plops down right next to me while I agonize through that fabulous workout! It's really quite helpful during thos awful oblique crunches because he stretches out right next to me so I can focus on him instead of the burning pain in my side! He also seems to like standing under me in downward dog. Love it!
Today was my third shot at Chest and Back, and my goal today was to do as many pushups off of my knees as possible. I did pretty well! I usually only try the standard pushups on my toes, but this time I tried all of them (except military). Those military pushups are my toughest ones... except of course for the dive bombers. On the dive bomber front, I'm proud to say I am almost positive that whatever I did today could be called a dive bomber pushup. I don't think I could've said that before today! For abs, my triumph of the day was putting my hands up in the air during in and outs. I'm pretty lucky when it comes to abs because my old gym had a 15 minute ab class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and we did some of the exercises from Ab Ripper X. Woo hoo! That class did more for me than I thought!
On the topic of bands and weights, I'm pretty sure I'm going to move up to my next resistance level in the bands. I think it's especially important when I'm doing the pullups with the bands. I think it'll really intensify the workout because some of the moves seemed a bit easy with my regular band today. Could that be my muscles getting stronger??? :)
HRM Report: 763 calories!
I hope everyone else out there doing P90X is bringing it! I'm loving this workout! It's so real, and that's my favorite part. I also enjoy when Tony does his Forrest Gump impression... I'm easily amused!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Legs and Back Take 2, Kenpo X Take 2

Friday, March 6, 2009
Yogatta Do This!
HRM Report: 528 calories!!!
For yoga... seriously!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Day 10
As for abs, it is getting much better! Before I couldn't even do 25 oblique crunches, and I managed that today. Woo hoo! I can really feel the difference in the crunchy frog and the V roll up thing. I'm loving it!
HRM REPORT: 705 calories! It didn't even feel like I was buring that much. Excellent!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Plyo Day 9
I'm driving home today for a week and a half. We have off of school. I'm going to really concentrate on my eating. Everyone will be working during the day, so I'm going to get up when I want to, work out, and eat healthy! I think it's going to be a great recharging time for me. Every break thus far during grad school I've been studying or searching for internships. I'm all set with an internship, and I have nothing to study, so it's me time! And family time and friend time of course!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Week 2 begins!
Finals are over and I have spring break until March 15. Woo hoo! I'm going home, so i have to pack up all my P90X stuff. I have bands, so I'm going to use those while I'm gone instead of weights. I'm going to bring my pullup bar with me too.
Tomorrow is plyo... we'll see if that feels better than last week! I'm going to do it first thing in the morning because I have a 5 hour drive home to do tomorrow and I'd like to be home by dinner. Time for a recovery shake!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Day 6 - Kenpo X!
My legs are slightly sore from yesterday's workout. Mostly my hamstrings and calves... I already feel like I'm seeing results. I can see my abs! Woo hoo! I'm so excited to have made it through the 6 main workouts for the week. Tomorrow I'll warm up and do the stretch x workout. I hope it's not boring! The idea of one hour of stretching is a bit weird to me unless it's mainly yoga moves. We'll see!
Time to study... awesome. :)