Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Facing the Music

I decided to weigh myself to see what kind of damage I had done on vacation. I did well at eating vegetarian, but 3 days in Napa equals LOTS OF WINE. Oooh, it was fun! But anyway, could have been bad right? Well, I decided to face the music and check my weight today and guess what!?!? I lost weight on vacation! WHAT!?! That's crazy! That puts me at a total of 12 pounds lost over the last 3-4 months. Not super fast like people who are super-focused, but it's been an "easy," slow process. Feels like I've hardly changed my habits! Woo hoo! I really think it's a testament to the importance of journaling. Gotta do it! I use and I love it! I highly recommend it!

Today is a quick run because it's all I have time for. Life is so busy right now! I can give myself 30-40 minutes to exercise though because it's critical! I hope you can too!

Have a healthy day!


  1. I was also down on the scale this morning...I have now lost 18.8 lbs. since January 4. And I even hit the gym would be so proud!

  2. Welcome back and congrats on the loss! I think staying on plan while on your vacation is more of a victory than anything the scale could tell you... but you did both so AWESOME for you!
