Sunday, August 1, 2010

Another Week Down!

This was an especially busy week for me. I had events two nights this week, plus my 30th birthday was on Wednesday! I definitely had some extra splurges here and there (like cake) but I got in all my workouts! This week for running was pretty much the same as last... 2 mile slow jog, 5 mile tempo run (2 of those miles were warmup and cooldown), then a 7 mile run this weekend.

I was in Michigan over the weekend for a wedding, so I did my long run with a friend who is training for the marathon in Minneapolis. She is quite a bit faster than I am, so I decided I'd try to keep up with her for as long as I could. First, I'll Michigan is quite hilly! Nothing crazy I guess, but hillier than home! It was humid and there was no air movement, so that was a bit unpleasant. All in all, I did well! I kept up with her for about 5 miles at ~9:30 pace. I walk-jogged the remaining mileage, which ended up being more like 2.5 miles. My goal pace for my long runs is 10:30-ish, and with the walk-jogging at the end that's what I averaged for the most part. I'm happy I pushed myself to see how far I could go at a faster pace. Lots of work to do so that I can keep that pacing going for the entire half marathon, but I'm well on my way!

I also did my efitplan workouts this week. They were awesome! I put in my goal as fat burning and that I'd workout for an hour. It was nice to have something to push me to do strength training for an hour. My legs were pretty sore from some of the moves (mostly the deadlifts). There were some great core moves as well, so my abs were feeling it. Looking forward to another week of that!

Have a healthy and happy week!

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