Friday, June 12, 2009

2 more days...

I'm really excited to be wrapping up! I can definitely tell a difference over the past 90 (plus) days. I'm also really excited to try something new for a little while. I'll keep track of that as well until I move back in for another phase of P90X. I've got my eye on Shaun T's Insanity too, so maybe that will be my fall workout before the X starts again!

Thanks for following my journey along the way!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! I am beyond PROUD of you. I hope you got everything you wanted and more out of this. Can't wait to see where your fit journey takes you, and what program you choose next! I got my eye on Insanity too for the summer cardio!! :) :) You are a P90X Graduate!!

  2. Nice work. I'm moving into my 2nd round of a P90x hybrid right now. It is amazing how much I myself have gotten out of it. Glad to see you were successful with yours.
    Insanity looks to be an awesome adventure for all of us. Will be nice to see the success stories that out of it. I'll be joining in a round of it once it is released.

    Keep up the journey as it is just beginning.
