Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 5 - Pure Cardio

So you know you're in trouble when Shaun T finishes the warm up of his workout and proceeds to say he's scared to do the workout. Ummm, really???

The warm up was the general warm up he uses for all the other workouts where you mix up jogging, high knees, butt kickers, etc. and vary your speed as you move along. My favorite move in this part is definitely the 1-2-3 Heisman. I'm getting better at that already! My feet are moving so freaking fast! I love it! After you finish the warm up and the stretches, you move into fifteen straight minutes of cardio. And by cardio, I mean the type of cardio where you feel like you are sprinting up a hill. For 15 minutes... in Shaun T's words, it's bananas!

In total, that was 596 calories!

Still having issues getting the food balanced out during the day. I'm at 1100 calories, and I only have dinner and a snack to go. I shall continue trying...

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